What is retinal detachment? And how it is treated?

The retina is exposed to many problems, including retinal detachment, or retinopathy The retina is the inner part of the eye, and it is the part responsible for clarity of the image, lighting and colors. This retina may be exposed to many complications due to many factors, including diabetes, but There are many treatment methods prescribed by specialist ophthalmologists.

Symptoms of retinal detachment may exhibit some of the following symptoms:

•Black spots appear in vision.
•Impaired vision.
•Fading colors seen by the patient.
•Sudden flashes in the  eyes  as if laser beams penetrate his vision.

When these symptoms occur, the patient must go to a specialist doctor who prescribes the appropriate treatment. This case needs surgical intervention sometimes, but it is the most appropriate treatment method in many cases.

Retinal detachment treatment:

As for the treatment of retinal detachment, it is done through a surgical operation through laser sessions, gas or silicone injection. performed by the retinal surgeon, the goal of this operation is to stabilize the retina in its natural place in the eye wall, while getting rid of temporary vision loss that may occur to the patient and this process must be accurate and performed by a competent and experienced surgeon in this field due to its seriousness in some cases. One of the results of the therapeutic retinal detachment is preservation of vision and improvement of vision during the months after the operation, and some people do not have complete vision again, but the return of normal vision is related to the severity of the patient’s retinal detachment, as Most retinal detachment operations are successful when the detachment is discovered early, as well as some tips and instructions that the patient should follow, such as: stick to the doses of the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking completely Eat healthy meals and avoid junk food or soft drinks. Not to be exposed to direct sunlight in the post-operation period. Periodic follow-up at the ophthalmologist to ensure the success of the operation.

Signs of successful retinal detachment surgery:

There are signs indicating the success of the retinal detachment surgery  and these signs are: Vision improvement within two months after the operation, as the doctor conducts many vision tests, and most often the improvement is two months after the operation. This sign requires many medical advice and steps after the process of retinal detachment.

What are the post-operative advice?

Complete rest  is one of the tips that the patient must follow after the retinal detachment procedure, and these tips help the success of the operation and thus improve vision and get rid of the symptoms of retinal detachment, and these tips are:

  • Sticking to the dose of medication prescribed by the doctor after the procedure.
  • Not to be exposed to sunlight directly after the operation.
  • Avoid smoking completely.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Eat a healthy diet full of minerals, vitamins and protein.
  • Avoid fatty foods or soft drinks.
  • Periodic follow-up by an ophthalmologist to ensure the success of the operation.


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